
  • Joy
  • Serenity
  • Agency
  • Clarity
  • Direction
  • Fulfillment
  • Authenticity

Explore my personal journey

Her personal journey to live an authentic life has brought her an abundance of comfort, confidence, meaning, and a deep purpose she never imagined in her wildest dreams. Now, her mission is to help you do the same.


Stacey supports those ready for change. Those in need of clarity and next steps. She holds space for others to tap into their inner wisdom and become the architect of their own lives. 

When you understand and nourish the truth of who you are and what you really want, you unleash your personal brand of brilliance. 

From here, you are able to step into your brightness, live with passion and purpose, and use your natural strengths to change your world through inspired action.


Everything you need to feel deeply fulfilled is within you — waiting to be illuminated. You were born to express the most expansive version of you in all you do. Only you can decide your life path - together we’ll find the clarity, insights, and action steps needed to define and actualize it.


As someone who believes in partnership, teamwork, and support, Stacey has found coaching networks that believe the same. Through these affiliations, she is able to serve more people and create a bigger impact. In addition to private coaching options, Stacey also offers services through the following affiliations.

VP of 360/Leadership Discovery Processes
Kismet Coach — Specializing in professional and executive development

Personal, Professional and Well-being coaching for individuals and companies.


To step into the most authentic version of your being is in service of the greatest good. You are meant for more.

Carefully crafted for those in search of transformation, these offerings serve as mechanisms for change. Inspired action starts by listening to your intuition. If you feel called, begin your authenticity journey by selecting a path that feels aligned with where you are right now.

Choose your path

Personal and professional coaching

I’m willing to put in the work but have questions.

Grief coaching

I’m navigating a transition in my life and would like to know more about how coaching can help.